FBI National Academy Associates
New Jersey Chapter

The FBI National Academy Associates New Jersey Chapter (FBINAANJ) is a subsidiary of FBI National Academy Associates, Inc. (FBINAA). The FBINAA is a non-profit, international organization of over 14,000 senior law enforcement professionals who are dedicated to providing our communities, states, countries, and profession with the highest degree of law enforcement expertise, training, education and information.

The FBINAA is the strongest law enforcement leadership network in the world and is dedicated to strengthening the rule of law around the globe. Members are graduates of the FBI’s prestigious National Academy Program, representing all 50 states, 194 countries and over 8,200 law enforcement agencies. Over 50,000 graduates have completed the FBINA program. FBINAA members make up the top 1% of all senior law enforcement in the world – simply put: the best of the best.

The Association is firmly guided by its historic values and faithfulness to its values, vision and mission.

The New Jersey Chapter is committed to leading its membership through the exciting, challenging, and rewarding aspects of law enforcement executive management. At the same time, #FBINAANJ strives to be one of the strongest and most active chapters in the national association by engaging its New Jersey resident members while networking with #FBINA graduates from around the globe.



Impacting communities by providing and promoting law enforcement leadership through training and networking.


Continuous development of the world's strongest law enforcement leadership network.

Core Values

Knowledge, Courage, and Integrity


Inspiring FBINAA members to continue their service to community, networking, education and professional development during their law enforcement career and beyond.


#FBINationalAcademy #FBINA #FBINAA #FBINAANJ #LeadershipDevelopment #Conference #Training #Police #Sheriff #NewJerseyLaw #AtlanticCity
FBINAANJ 2024 Annual Training Conference
This October we return to Ocean Casino Resort (@TheOceanAC) where we once again will enjoy modern accommodations, enhanced networking events, and gather in the impressive Ovation Hall where our guest speakers will share knowledge that benefits us all. More details, agenda, speaker lineup, and registration info will be posted in the coming months. #StayTuned. For now, save the date so you don't miss out in October.
#metlifestadium #NFL #newyorkjets #fbinaanj #leadership #familynight #FBINAA #lawenforcement
FBINAANJ Family Night
LAST CALL!!! Join us at METLIFE Stadium on Sunday, October 15, 2023, for @fbinaanj FAMILY NIGHT! The New York Jets will take on the Philadelphia Eagles at 4:25pm. Please check your e-mails for registration and full details. The event is open to all @fbinaanj members, family, friends, and all active LEOs! REGISTRATION & PAYMENT DUE 7/12!
#fbinationalacademy #fbinaanj #nationalacademy #FBI #Quantico #leadership #lawenforcement
Session 286
Please join the FBI National Academy Associates New Jersey Chapter in congratulating our five members who recently graduated from Session 286! They are, from left to right, Captain Michael Giancaspro (East Rutherford PD), Chief Brian Clancy (New Milford PD), Chief Frank Culmone (Longport PD), Lieutenant Michael Krug (Burlington County Prosecutor's Office), and Lieutenant Vittorio Flora (New Jersey State Police). Congratulations!